SP-1 springs are an additional feature which distinguishes ALTUS instruments. Springs are normally made of steel, but ALTUS has developed a metal alloy which shows ground breaking new qualities. This alloy is composed of gold, platinum, palladium, silver, copper and zinc and originally developed for the telecommunications industry. The material is very valuable and is tremendously elastic.
Highly resilient springs are manufactured from this material which is almost indestructible. SP-1 springs do not rust, are not subject to wear and tear and are therefore very durable. Due to SP-1 springs the mechanism of an ALTUS flute operates in highly precise way conveying an easy feeling, even when playing demanding and virtuosic passages.
The terms Inline, Offset and Semi-Offset adress the position of both G-Keys. Offset G are ergonomically moved outward to support the physiology of the left hand. When all keys are in straight line this is called Inline G. The Semi-Offset option presents a compromise between Inline and Offset G.
High E, Split E, Split G divides the two G-Keys, which otherwise would be connected in order to improve the sound of the third octave E. Open G# presents an alternative to Split E-Mechanism.
A B-Foot increases length and weight of a flute changing sound projection and character. Therefore, the tone may sound darker and fuller with a B-foot, providing more stability fort he third octave intonation. A flute with a C-foot is characterized by a brighter sound and lighter articulation.
High G/A trill facilitates trills between G3 und A3. C# trill enables trills between B and C# and allows for more trill possibilities.
Head-joint options